Short Workouts Can Be Good for Your Heart
How much is enough and how can you make it count?
Exercise is important for heart health. However, do you know how much exercise is enough? It’s recommended that all adults get at least 2.5 hours of aerobic activity each week.
If you haven’t exercised much before, you may not know where to start. It’s a good idea to check with your doctor before starting a program or increasing your activity level.
Start with 10–15 minutes at a Time
Even short bursts of activity can help your heart. Physical activity can actually lower your blood pressure by as much as some medications. It can also increase your levels of good cholesterol. To start, aim for a minimum of 10 minutes of exercise at a time.
Make Short Workouts Count
Regular aerobic exercise strengthens your heart. Here are some examples:
- Biking
- Walking
- Dancing
- Water Aerobics
You can also get physical activity from your everyday routine. This includes gardening, house cleaning or washing your car. Be creative and focus on moving more.
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